We had our dossier off to Ethiopia, with two referrals of a beautiful little girl, and a darling little boy ~ both profoundly deaf. It wouldn
t be until March that we would be able to bring them home, but it was December. I was at work, going through emails, when I clicked on a link that took me directly to Chen Li Lan ~ profoundly deaf. My heart sank and lept all at the same time. God was shouting, "This is YOUR daughter!!!" I cried, knowing that my husband would
never ever be on board with starting another adoption before our Ethiopian one was even complete. I called him anyways and asked sheepishly, "are you in a good mood?" He answered, "No. The baby is crying and I don
t know why." That was Noah, just 5 1/2 months old. "Okay," I answered, mustering up enough courage. "Go to your email and open it up." I held my breath.
How on earth was I going to convince him that she is our daughter???
He opened the email and said, "WOW. She is our DAUGHTER!" I smiled, cried and laughed. "I know. Can we adopt her?" "Of course!" he exclaimed. I could hardly believe it. I immediately sent an email and made a phone call which would be returned the next day. I sat on pins and needles trying not to be too excited, trying so hard to remember that if this is God
s will, then it shall be.
We got the phone call. It was Carol from CWA. She said we were 4th to inquire. Chances were not good that all of the other families would back out. I told her about our family and she asked if we wanted to be put on the
waiting list
anyways. I said Yes and hung up the phone, trying not to cry.
Two hours later, we got another call from Carol. "You aren
t going to believe this, but the other families weren
t serious, and the one that was, said that they were just worried that she wouldn
t find a family. I told them that she had found her family. She is officially referred to you if you would like to proceed."
And we did. And she is now home, cute as a button, signing up a storm, spicy as ever, and a perfect addition to our family.
Life is So Good.